We work with the most amazing students ever. One of our secondary girls wanted to do something for the victims of the recent Haitian disaster. She came up with an idea. Went on to research the feasibility. Used her own money to develop a add campaign and is now selling her product with 100% of all profits going directly to the Hatian Red Cross.
So Michelle designed a simple wrist band. The title says it all UNSHAKEN and on the backside in just a relief is HAITI 2010. She found a company that could quickly produce her product and had it approved to be sold in the school.
She used her camera and designed a poster that has pics students wearing the samples that she had made. The poster was printed and hangs in our secondary building. To keep sales high and costs low the wrist bands sell for just 5 rmb or about $ .73 each with $ .60 being applied as a donation.
Amazing Kids.
BTW my friend Howard's daughter is the eyes at the top of the poster.