They are everywhere and used to transport anything and everything. I already showed you the bomb boys. (I saw one with with oxygen and acetylne on the back of a bike a couple of days ago.) I realized that I had taken a few pics of bikes of varying types and thought I would share them with you. In my daily three block walk to work I usually come close to being hit by one at least once. They go down the sidewalk, they also travel the roads and it appears that they do not have to obey any laws of any kind. They routinely run red lights many times without even a glance to the side. The covered parking is next to a silk factory close to our apartment. I have seen at least 4 our 5 of these covered areas but not one car parking lot! Each one has its own guard watching the bikes. Bikes must outnumber cars at least 20 to 1.Note the nice new seat on the first picture.