Shekou and Shenzhen may have been two separate cities but today are totally linked together. The same bus system will take you from one end of Shekou to the other end of Shenzhen. We traveled by public bus for about and hour and a half from our home to downtown Shenzhen. It is big city the entire way. Here are some pics of the area Lou Who and some pics of the Cities large skyscrapers. There are about 14 million people in the greater metropolitian area. Believe me there are many people everywhere you look. Most of these shots where taken through the bus window so the quality suffers but you get the idea. I had to show you the window washers. The are near the bottom of a very tall building. What looks like a line between them is a water hose they passed back and forth. Note the single rope per person! Check out other Shenzhen skyscrapers at this link.