Bev and I took a daytrip to Hong Kong this weekend. We had planned on going to some museums, but as we rode the KCR above ground metro, we looked at our passes and realized that they had expired the day before. So, quick change of plans and we went to some of HK's famous outdoor markets. We visited the goldfish market, flower market, and the bird market. They are all within a short walking distance of each other.
The fish market is unique, interesting, very small shops have huge numbers of fish to buy. There are many varieties and kinds of fish . Many are bagged with water and an ample amount of air. The price is on the bag. Saltwater tanks, supplies and other pets are all available. Quite fun.
The flower market is only a few blocks away. Much of what is sold here is wholesale to the restaurants and other flower shops. We were amazed by such color with lilies, orchids and many more varieties of tropical flowers. We did buy a small glass vase for the apartment. But bringing live plants through customs is risky, Tim already did it once without incident!
Right next to the flower market is the Yuen Po Street bird market. It is fun but has that outdoorsy bird smell. The buildings and design of the area is traditional Chinese. All bird accessories and bird cages are available. Many older men keep a bird and bring the bird to this area to enjoy the outdoors and the company of other birds. They like to sit and have conversations in this area, I guess about birds. We saw some men out walking their birds for the day.
Fish Market info: HK Goldfish
Flower Market info: HK Flower
Bird Market info: HK Bird